8 Printable Pregnancy Announcement Wine Labels (Free Wine bottle Label Template)

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While you are off the alcohol, for the time being, it doesn’t mean that you can’t use a wine bottle as a tool to surprise your immediate family with the news. All you have to do is put custom pregnancy announcement wine labels on wine bottles and gift them to your husband, parents, siblings, and grandparents.

A pregnancy announcement is a special occasion, and there are many ways to announce pregnancy to husband, parents, grandparents, and other family members. You have many options, from a customized onesie to a spoon to a pregnancy announcement golf ball.

But out of all the ideas out there, the simple way to announce pregnancy to family members is with a bottle of wine with a custom label to reveal the news.

custom wine bottle labels on 5 red wine bottles

You can’t go wrong with this idea as your family will be overjoyed with the news when they find out about their favorite brand of a wine bottle. Plus, they will get to enjoy a glass (or two) of wine to celebrate the news.

Keep reading if you wonder how to use these wine labels for a pregnancy announcement. I have compiled several ideas on announcing pregnancy using these custom wine labels. In addition, I have designed several pregnancy announcement wine bottle labels that you can customize yourself to meet your needs. Also, I have included FREE pregnancy announcement wine label that you can print at home for your pregnancy announcement for no cost.

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How to Announce Pregnancy using Wine Bottle?

Wine or alcoholic beverages are a big part of the celebration for any occasion. People love to celebrate big news with a drink or two, and pregnancy announcements aren’t different. It’s life-changing news for parents-to-be and their immediate family.

So, why not announce your pregnancy with a custom pregnancy announcement label on a wine bottle to mark the occasion. Your family members will love a glass of wine to celebrate your big news.

Here are some of the ideas on announcing pregnancy using a wine bottle.

Invite family members for dinner over at the house. If you are serving a drink before dinner, pour a glass for the guests and leave the bottle of wine where everybody can see it. Then, wait and see if anyone is curious enough to know what kind of wine it is!

If you are serving wine while dinner, let everyone settle on the table and then pour a glass of wine for the guests and leave the bottle on in the middle of the dining table. Now, wait for someone to read the label on the wine bottle finally!

Custom label pregnancy announcement wine bottle is a great way to announce pregnancy during holidays. Invite family and friends over the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, or Christmas dinner and use these printable DIY pregnancy announcement wine bottle labels and stick it on multiple wine bottles for them to share.

If you are not into inviting everybody under one roof, then gifting a bottle of wine with a custom label will work just fine! Then, you can bring the bottle of wine to them (to your parents, siblings, or co-worker) and wait for them to reveal the news when they read the label of the wine bottle you have gifted.

Printable Pregnancy Announcement Wine Labels

Now, if you are ready to announce pregnancy using custom wine labels, here are some of the designs for you to consider. Most of these designs are done using a paid version of Canva. But you can easily customize these wine labels according to your needs using the FREE Canva tool.

First Pregnancy Announcement Wine Label for Grandparents

If you are announcing your first pregnancy, grandparents-to-be will love to find out the news from their favorite brand of a wine bottle. Of course, this way of announcing pregnancy is low-key, but they will certainly enjoy a bottle of wine over a stereotype custom onesie or grandparents-to-be mug.

You have two options to choose from for grandparent’s pregnancy announcement wine labels

Pairs well with Becoming Grandparents

pairs well with becoming grandparents wine label on red wine bottle

Find out more about it here

The great flavor of wines pairs well with the occasion you are celebrating. The simple text on this label will certainly catch their attention.

pairs well with becoming grandparents wine label on red wine bottle

Find out more about it here

If you are looking for a little fancy first pregnancy announcement wine label for grandparents, this subtle design is eye-catching. The text is simple with subtle flower background. Once you purchase this template, we will edit it with the baby’s last name and due date.

Only The Best Parents Gets Promoted to Grandparents

Only the best parents get promoted to grandparents wine bottle label on black wine bottle

Find out more about it here

Tell your parents they are the best, along with news of your first pregnancy. They will be overwhelmed and overjoyed with the news. The dark background with colored text is enough to draw grandparents-to-be’s attention.

Drink this for me – You are Grandparents-to-be

Drink this for me_you re grandparents-to-be wine bottle label

Find out more about it here

If you can not drink during pregnancy, it does not mean that your parents can not drink too!. So let them celebrate the great news with this ‘Drink this for me-You are Grandparents-to-be’ labeled wine.

Second Pregnancy Announcement Wine Label for Grandparents

The second pregnancy announcement is not as sentimental as the first pregnancy announcement. So rather than a custom onesie or custom mug, reveal your 2nd pregnancy with wine. Second-time grandparents-to-be will enjoy the wine and news that comes along on a wine label.

You also have two options to choose from for your second pregnancy announcement

Pairs well with Becoming Grandparents Again

Red wine bottle with second time grandparents pregnancy announcement label

Find out more about it here

Two grandkids are a handful! So let them celebrate the arrival of their second grandchild with the great flavor of the wine to pair it with the news.

The Best Parents Gets Promoted to Grandparents Again                

Red wine bottle with second time grandparents pregnancy announcement label

Find out more about it here

If you haven’t used a wine bottle as a tool to announce your first pregnancy, then you need to keep your second pregnancy announcement low-key with this wine label. These wine labels tell them that they are great parents and will be grandparents again.

BabyFeet Wine bottle Label

Red wine bottle with second time grandparents pregnancy announcement label

Find out more about it here

If you want a wine bottle label that does not specify, who you are announcing your news to, then this Babyfeet wine bottle label will do its job. This design is a variation of the classic Barefoot wine brand. This wine bottle label will work great if you invite family for dinner.

FREE Pregnancy Announcement Wine Label

Drink this for me_I'm mommy-to-be

Here is a Free pregnancy announcement wine label that you can announce your pregnancy to anyone. The simple text stating “Drink this for me – I’m Mommy-to-be” is easy enough to grab everyone’s attention on a wine bottle.

This template is a Free download. You get this template in PDF format that you can print at home on a label sticker and stick it to the wine bottle.

How to Remove Label from the Wine Bottle?

It may seem easy to remove the wine label, but it isn’t. If you pull the label, it will tear, and you won’t be able to remove the whole label to replace it with your custom pregnancy announcement label. So here is the easiest method to remove the label from a wine bottle.

OxiClean Method

The Oxiclean method is a quick and easy way to remove a label from a wine bottle. In addition, it does an excellent job of removing adhesives.

But make sure you wear a face shield and mask while working with Oxiclean because active ingredients in OxiClean are hydrogen peroxide ethoxylated alcohol which may cause redness, irritation, or pain if it comes in contact with eyes, respiratory irritation, nausea, or vomiting.


  • Pour 1/4 cup of OxiClean into a bucket of warm water
  • Immerse the wine bottle into the bucket.
  • Let the bottle soak for 45 min.
  • Then try removing the label using a sharp knife. If it still does not come out, leave it in a solution for a longer time.
  • Then again, try to remove the label using a sharp knife. You may need to scrape off the remaining glue once the label comes off the bottle

If you don’t have OxiClean, mix baking soda in warm water, soak the wine bottle for 45 minutes, and then try to remove the label.

How to Print Wine Labels at Home?

Once you purchase the template or design your wine label using the Free Canva tool, you can download your design as PDF print.

Then print it using your home printer on sticker paper designed for wine bottles. This sticker label paper is 4′ x 5′ and perfectly with all of my wine bottle label designs.

How to Apply new Label on Glass Wine Bottle?

Before applying a custom label to your wine bottle, make sure it is at room temperature.

Once you have printed your custom label, center the label over the wine bottle, you want to place the center of the label first on your glass wine bottle. Then you want to apply firm pressure to smooth it down evenly from the center to the sides.

If you get trapped bubble while applying the label, gently lift the label and smooth out the surface. Once the label is applied, leave the bottle at room temperature for a few hours for the label to settle.


Personalized wine labels for pregnancy announcements are subtle and low-key ways to announce pregnancy to family members. If you are still unsure about announcing pregnancy using a wine bottle, here are a few pregnancy announcement idea posts that will give you plenty of ideas to announce a pregnancy.

Pregnancy announcement to the immediate family

Pregnancy announcement to first-time grandparent

Announcing pregnancy to parents who are already a grandparent

Long-distance pregnancy announcement to Husband

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