Hi, Welcome to Empirical Mama!
I am Pranali. A mom of two and a Research Scientist.
Pregnancy makes you cautious about everything you do during those nine months and beyond.
Suddenly, your growing baby’s safety is your priority. So, everything you eat or get exposed to during pregnancy makes you think,
Is it safe for my baby during Pregnancy?

If you have asked that question every time you eat something or apply something to your body, you and I are not different.
I was super overcautious during my first pregnancy. I would read the label for every product that I buy for myself, whether it is a foundation, lotion, night cream, lipstick or lip balm, or buying a pregnancy pillow or nursing chair. And most of the time, I would be only able to pronounce only a few of the ingredients listed on the label.
That made me wonder and research the chemicals listed as ingredients. I was also working in a laboratory environment where I would come in contact with 100s of chemicals each day through mainly breathing. I was working on producing an Adenovirus vector for gene therapy studies.
While I was wearing PPE all the time to reduce the exposure to toxic chemicals at work, there are still certain chemicals like bleach that you still could smell.
I was worried about my child’s safety because I knew whatever you get exposed to during pregnancy reaches your baby. So, I did all the possible research to educate myself about the safety of toxic chemicals during pregnancy and during the first year of a baby’s life.
I have literally spent hours and hours reading the scientific literature on the effect of toxic chemical exposure during pregnancy and baby, especially during 1st year of their life when they are still at the developmental stage.
And what I have realized is that you can no longer ignore what science is telling us about the effect of toxic chemicals on the human body. So here is a sneak peek of what scientific journals have to say…
- Exposure to certain chemicals can increase the risk of having a baby with congenital disorders or future health problems.
- Ingredients in skincare products are linked to a birth defects, childhood obesity, and developmental delays.
- Exposure to certain chemicals in household cleaning products has been linked to decreased male fertility, miscarriage, and birth defects.
This was an eye-opener for me!
I was more cautious about handling chemicals at work. And started researching safer product alternatives to use during pregnancy and for my baby. I have researched almost every product category to find a safer product for my baby’s use. This research led to finding great manufacturers that make safer products during pregnancy and for babies and toddlers.
One day, over an afternoon baby nap, a thought came across my mind to help like-minded moms avoid toxic chemicals during pregnancy and while raising a baby via ’empiricalmama.’
At empiricalmama, I give you experience-based, evidence-based, practical advice on avoiding toxic chemicals during pregnancy. While raising babies, so you don’t have to spend hours researching.
At empiricalmama, you will find
- Natural and organic product recommendations for pregnancy
- Non-toxic skincare product recommendations
- Gentle pregnancy care
- Your answer to “is it safe to eat” or “is it safe to use” questions
- Reducing the use of toxic chemicals in everyday life
- Natural and organic product recommendations for babies and toddlers
- How to find and identify the safer product for babies
- Your answer to “why baby banging head on my shoulders” to “baby screaming in gas pain” questions and more
As seen on
My background
I have a double master’s in Environmental Toxicology and Infection and Immunity from two different countries. For the past 10+ years, I have worked in the pediatric research and developmental field. My education and professional experience made me more cautious about exposure to toxic chemicals during pregnancy.
I also have up my continuing education by taking the following courses,
Environmental Medicine and Children’s Health
And via this blog, I want to help other pregnant women in their non-toxic journey without much overwhelm because there is so much more about pregnancy than worrying about exposure to everyday chemicals.
I also believe in 80/20 rules when it comes to non-toxic living. Because clean products are expensive, my approach is that I would rather spend $1000 on a non-toxic crib and crib mattress than on a non-toxic stroller. I will also provide safer alternatives when needed.
My Goal
My goal here is to provide you with honest, experience-based, and thoroughly researched information. My product recommendations are based on information gathered from experience or after thorough research on the product via all the possible sources, including email conversations with the product manufacturer.
Disclaimer: The information and opinions on this site do not constitute medical advice. Please consult your health-care professional if you have medical questions.
All the best,