Is it Safe to drink Taro Milk Tea during Pregnancy?

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There are conflicting answers on whether it is safe to drink Taro milk tea during pregnancy. If you are hooked on the creamy sweet flavor of Taro milk tea and want to enjoy it during pregnancy, you need to read this article.

There isn’t much research done when it comes to consuming herbal teas during pregnancy. Taro root, a primary component of Taro milk tea, has several health benefits when consumed. Still, caffeine and the high sugar content of Taro milk Tea should be limiting factors for consuming this delicious milk tea during pregnancy.

Taro milk tea in a glass with a yellow straw

So, when it comes to drinking Taro milk tea during pregnancy, there is no straight answer. Generally, there is no harm in drinking non-caffeinated Taro milk tea in moderation during pregnancy. 

In this article, we have highlighted all the essential details on whether or not taro milk tea is safe to drink during pregnancy, plus a recipe for making Taro Bubble tea at home. 

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What is a Taro Milk Tea?

Milk teas have become a popular beverage in regular cafes and shops. They first started in Taiwan and eventually became widespread in Asia in the early 2010s and then to the rest of the world.

Milk teas usually refer to a variety of different teas and tea-based beverages. Like any other drink, they come in different flavors, including Taro.

Taro milk tea is made from a Taro root. The Taro root vegetable belongs to the Araceae family and originated in South Asian tropical regions and most parts of South America.

Taro root is an everyday food staple in African, Oceanic, and South Asian cuisines, almost similar to yams. This vegetable root is also said to be one of the earliest cultivated plants.

So, Taro milk tea is a specific tea with taro derivatives as the prominent flavor and sugar and milk.

This unique combination of flavors, creamy texture, and distinct purple color made it a popular beverage in many countries. It has been regarded as one of the most widely consumed flavors.

Is Taro Root healthy?

Taro root on a wooden chopping bord

Taro milk tea is the tastiest tea due to its flavors, and there are many health benefits to consuming Taro root, which is the main ingredient of Taro milk tea.

Improve digestion

Taro root is an excellent source of dietary fiber, improving digestive processes as it can ease issues like acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, and stomach ulcers.

Aids in weight loss

Taro roots have twice as much fiber as potatoes, which will help you feel full more quickly and even for extended periods controlling food intake.

Controls blood sugar

Resistant starch in taro root helps stabilize blood sugar which may help reduce the risk of diabetes. Taro root is excellent for those who are on low-carb or keto diets.

Taro root is also a good source of antioxidants,  potassium, Vitamins B6 and E, magnesium, Copper, Phosphorus, and folate.

Even though Taro root is very nutritious, preparation of Taro root should be consumed in moderation during pregnancy.

Is it safe to drink Taro Milk Tea during Pregnancy?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some experts think drinking taro milk tea is safe as long as you do not drink too much, while others advise against it.

However, there is no evidence of the adverse effect of consuming Taro Milk tea during pregnancy. This means drinking Taro Milk Tea in moderation should be safe during pregnancy.

Some experts claim that drinking Taro Milk tea can help with morning sickness, vomiting, and nausea in pregnant women.

While others advise against drinking Taro milk tea during pregnancy, this is because such milk tea may contain large amounts of caffeine and sugar.

Caffeine is not advisable during pregnancy, especially at 300 mg/day or more. It can also increase your urination frequency, therefore, increasing dehydration.

Most milk teas, like taro-based, also generally contain high sugar. However, too much simple sugar during pregnancy can cause excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) and other complications like preeclampsia and preterm birth.

Lastly, experts against the drinking of taro milk tea during pregnancy also point out the fact that there is still a substantial lack of information about the effects of taro on pregnancy.

Overall, it is apparent that there is still an ongoing discussion on whether or not drinking taro milk tea is safe during pregnancy. Whatever the fact, it is never bad to consult your primary healthcare provider.

Is Taro Milk Tea Caffeinated?

Taro milk tea can be caffeinated or caffeine-free, depending on how it’s prepared. If the tea used to make the drink contains caffeine, then the taro milk tea will also contain caffeine.

However, if decaffeinated tea is used, Taro Milk Tea will be caffeine-free. Additionally, some taro milk tea recipes may include added caffeine as black tea or matcha powder.

How to make Taro Milk Tea at Home?

Pink Taro milk tea during pregnancy

Taro Milk Tea is easy to make at home. Making it at home will allow you to control the amount of sugar or sweetener you add to your buddle tea.

Here’s a recipe for making taro milk tea at home:


  • 1/2 cup taro root (frozen or fresh)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 black tea bags (or 1 tablespoon of loose-leaf black tea)
  • 1/2 cup milk (dairy or non-dairy)
  • 2 tablespoons honey or sugar (adjust to taste)
  • Ice cubes


  1. Cut the taro root into small pieces and boil in water until tender (about 15-20 minutes). Drain and let cool.
  2. Brew the black tea by steeping the tea bags or loose-leaf tea in 1 cup of hot water for 3-5 minutes. Remove the tea bags or strain the loose-leaf tea and let cool.
  3. Add the cooked taro root, brewed tea, milk, and honey or sugar in a blender. Blend until smooth.
  4. Pour the mixture over ice in a glass and enjoy your homemade taro milk tea!

Note: You can adjust the amount of taro, milk, and sweetener to your liking. You can also add boba to make Taro Bubble tea at home.

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Benefits of Taro Leaves

Taro leaves, in general, are one of the most nutritious cassava products that most people can eat. Moreover, its benefits are widely known in the regions where it has become a staple.

One of the crucial benefits of taro leaves is they are composed of micronutrients that have been studied to improve overall health.

These key benefits include its composition of vitamins A and C, folate, calcium, and antioxidants fighting free-radical damage. In addition, Taro leaves also contain low-calorie content and dietary fiber, boosting heart health.

Can I drink Milk Tea while Breastfeeding?

Sadly, no, you cannot drink milk tea while breastfeeding. This is because milk tea comprises tannins known to lessen breast milk secretion.

Milk teas generally contain large amounts of caffeine, sugars, and trans-fatty acids that can go into the babies through breast milk.

Notably, caffeine and trans-fatty acids may affect the child’s nervous system development. Plus, children who absorb a lot of caffeine have been known to be more irritable and fussy.

Is Tapioca Safe During Pregnancy?

Tapioca products can easily be included in one of the most craved food and beverages for pregnant women.

The answer is yes; consuming tapioca pearls or balls can be deemed safe during pregnancy. However, the condition here is that you should do it in moderation.

Consuming too much tapioca or other cassava products is discouraged because potential disadvantages could occur, like the tendency to be deficient in protein or other essential nutrients.

When it comes to drinking tapioca pearl drinks, you can still drink them while pregnant. Nonetheless, you should be cautious of the contents and amount of such.

For instance, avoid those that have cyanide content, even in small amounts. If such tapioca drinks contain sugar and caffeine, make sure that such an amount is within your daily dietary allowance.

Conclusion – Is it Safe to drink Taro Milk Tea during Pregnancy?

Sadly, there is no direct answer to this, for there is still an ongoing debate on whether or not taro contents in milk tea are safe for pregnant women.

While many experts claim that such milk teas are safe and helpful for pregnant women as they lessen morning sickness symptoms, others say otherwise.

Other experts contend that having taro milk teas can have unintended effects because such products are prone to be mixed with not recommended ingredients like caffeine and sugar.

At the same time, it is raised that there is still lacking meaningful data to conclude that such milk tea products can be 100% safe for pregnant women.

If you still want to try one, make sure at least you do it in moderation and take note of your caffeine and sugar thresholds.

No matter what, especially when there is doubt, the best course of action is to consult with your general healthcare practitioner.

You got this, Mama!

Two Taro milk teas.

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