Birth It Up! Natural Series Review (Coupon+Signing Bonus)
Updated – July/2022
Thinking about natural childbirth but feeling scared? Let me introduce you to Birth It Up! Natural Series, – a most comprehensive and affordable online childbirth class to get you excited about your labor and delivery.
The most exciting yet frightening part of being pregnant is giving birth to your baby. If you are a first-time mom, the excitement of welcoming a baby is sometimes hindered by the thought of anticipated pain and discomfort that you have to go through to give birth.
While I agree that childbirth is long, tough, and sometimes scary, having the right support and knowing what to expect can make the natural childbirth process a lot easier.
If you have decided to go through natural childbirth then you have made the right decision to take an online childbirth class.
Natural childbirth classes prepare you to cope with hardships and complications labor throws at you without the help of medical intervention (epidural).
When I was pregnant with my first one, online childbirth classes were not available to me. Like other first-time moms, unaware of what the childbirth process feels like, I decided to go for natural childbirth thinking how hard it can be? But when the time came and a contraction hit me, I begged for an epidural. All my wish for natural childbirth was in vain!!
Had this course been available then, it would have made a huge difference in my confidence and coping skills during my labor and delivery process.
Now there are many online childbirth classes available but at a price point that many women can’t afford.
Thankfully, Liesel Teen – Mommy Labor Nurse- launched a Birth It up! Natural Series class at a quarter of the price of other childbirth classes. The class claims to prepare expecting moms for the natural childbirth process.
If you came here to know what this course covers? And is it worth the money? then you are at the right place.
In this Birth It Up! Natural Series review, we will cover course content, pros and cons, and whether it is worth your money?
So, let’s get right into it.
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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. As an affiliate and amazon associate, I earn commission on qualified purchases at no extra cost to you.
What is Birth It Up! Natural Series?
Birth It Up! Natural series is an online prenatal class created and taught by Liesel Teen, a Labor and delivery nurse. She has helped thousands of moms go through labor and childbirth for the last 6 years. She is passionate about pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood.
She is also a first-time mother and has gone through the childbirth process herself, so she knows exactly how moms feel! When you take this class, you will get to hear her own natural childbirth story and that makes her so much more relatable. She created two Birth It Up! courses,
As the name suggests, the Natural series focuses on the childbirth process without the aid of an epidural, and the Epidural series focuses on going through childbirth with the responsible use of an epidural.
Liesel has also included NEWBORN CARE BASICS for first-time parents looking to gain education about what to expect when bringing a baby home!
When you purchase any Birth It UP course through the link in this article, you will receive a $10 AMAZON E-GIFT CARD in addition to a discount code.
Keep reading for detail……
What is the Structure of Birth It Up! Natural Series?
Birth It Up is offered online using the Teachable platform. This is the most user-friendly platform for online learning. The class is taught by instructional videos, where you listen to Liesel reveal secrets of the natural childbirth process.
The best part is the lessons are broken down into small chunks so they can be watched as a whole course or in chunks. The lessons are easy to navigate – you can jump to any section you want!
Each lesson is also accompanied by a narrative at the bottom of the video.
Course Overview
- Cost: $$$
- Length of Class: 10+ hours total
- Bonuses: You will find out soon!!
- Access: Lifetime
- A 30 days money back guarantee
- Coupon Code – EMPIRICALMAMA (to get 10% discount)
Course Content
In addition to focusing on natural childbirth, this course offers a comprehensive overview of late pregnancy and postpartum care. The best part is it will help you get excited about this new chapter in your life!
Here is a highlight of a few topics that this course covers.
The Mentality of Going Natural
I think the heart of this online prenatal class lies in this section. Liesel talks in-depth about how to win over your fear and get excited about the birthing process. Her unique take on this section will empower you to have the birth that you ultimately want.
I think after taking this course, you will break free of any fear that you are holding inside wanting to go the natural childbirth route.
Reserach and Planning
This section talks about choosing a provider and what questions to ask your provider. Liesel has provider interview questionnaires ready in printable format for you to take to your next appointment.
Liesel talks about how to choose a birthplace. She talks about the pros and cons of birth at the hospital, home, or birth center. She also has hospital/birthplace questionnaires in printable format.
My favorite part of this section is how detailed she is about teaching you how to self-advocate during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. She teaches how to be assertive rather than confrontational when self-advocating at the hospital.
Leisel also talks about the importance of having a Birth plan and how to be flexible with it without compromising the care you receive from your provider. And there is a whole section about what to pack in your hospital bag.
Printable Templates Included in this section
- Provider Interview Questionnaires
- Hospital/Birthplace Interview Questionnaires
- Birth Plan
- Hospital bag Checklist
Final Week Leading to Labor
This section is jammed pack with information on what to expect when you are close to your due date. The sections included third-trimester tests and monitoring, common discomfort and how to deal with them, when to call a provider if something is not right, and changes your body experience to prepare for labor.
She also has a whole section on preterm birth to prepare you in case you have to go through it before week 37 during your pregnancy.
Natural Way of Inducing Labor
In this lesson, Leisel talks about all the things you can do to prepare your body for spontaneous labor and help naturally induce labor when the time is right. It covers hip and pelvic floor exercise, birth ball use, walking, the Miles circuits, Sex-nipple stimulation, food and drinks, supplements to induce birth naturally.
All of these techniques are explained in detail and demonstrated with the help of Leisel’s pregnant friend (except the sex and nipple stimulation, of course!). So, you will know how to do these exercises correctly.
It covers over 20 ways to induce labor including exercises, positions, foods, drinks, supplements, and specialist techniques.
The Anatomy of Labor
In this lesson, she teaches you about what happens during labor and why it happens. You will also learn what to expect during labor, types of contraction and how it feels, labor stages, and what happens when your water breaks. She also included a sample timeline (real-life scenario) of what could happen from cramping leading up to the birth of your baby.
The section on contraction talks about everything you need to know about. She differentiates between Braxton Hicks’s contractions and what it feels like, Prodromal labor and what it feels like, and false labor. She also teaches you how to count your contraction before heading to the hospital.
This is an excellent section specifically for first-time mamas who have no idea what to expect at the final stage of pregnancy.
She also talks about when your water breaks and what it feels like to put real-life perspective on what you have seen on TV. In addition, there is a section on when to head to the hospital and what to expect when you go to the hospital.
Printable Included in this Section
- Natural Induction Methos Cheat sheet
Pain Control
Labor is painful (experienced it Twice!). It is the worst pain you will ever experience in your life. But don’t let that scare you. The women have been laboring babies for ages and if I can do it, you can too!.
This section is one of my favorite parts of this course. In this lesson, Leisel goes through techniques like breathing, relaxation, and more to help you cope with labor pain. And most importantly, she walks you through several exercises to prepare you mentally for labor. Let’s talk about this in detail so you have an idea of what to expect when you sign up for the course.
Breathing techniques – Breathing is an almost effective tool to help you cope with contractions. She talks about different breathing techniques and how to breathe when contractions intensify. She teaches you how to practice and master breathing before the big day. I like her mantra of “My breath is the pathway through this contraction” to get you motivated and remember to breathe during labor.
Relaxation Techniques – Leisel talks about different techniques like visualization, shower, ice cube, message, hydrotherapy, TENS unit, essential oils ( she actually included an essential oil recipe that helped her to relax during her labor) to help you relax during contraction.
My favorite part of this section is her take on natural labor being a mental game. She talks about mental games you can play to get you through the contractions during labor.
She then talks about different labor positions you can try to cope with the pain. And at the end, she talks about what to do if you can’t do it anymore before you turn to pharmaceutical options ( other than epidural) for pain management (like me!). It’s better to be prepared!
Pushing and Delivery
This section is all about the second and third stages of labor that is PUSHING. For all those first-time mamas, who are scared of the final stage of labor, she has evidence-based tips on how to shorten the push time during labor.
Then, she talks in detail about different pushing techniques in detail so you can use them when you are ready to push. She physically demonstrates techniques like side-lying, birthing ball, birthing bar, squatting, chair, and more. In addition, she shares her best pushing tips to make using easier for you.
She also goes on and talks about assisted vaginal delivery if the baby needs extra helps to be born. She talks about the risks and benefits of vacuum-assisted and forceps-assisted delivery.
In addition, there are individual sections describing vaginal tearing (+tips on how to minimize it) and delivering placenta that you will find helpful.
Unplanned C-section
Labor is so unpredictable and you want to be prepared however it unravels for you. I am very pleased that lLeisel thought through this and included a whole section about unplanned C-sections if god-forbid you have to go through it.
She goes into detail about what to expect if you go for an unplanned C-section in detail so you are prepared!
Hospital Stay and Post-partum Recovery
Liesel also talks in detail about your hospital stay after birth and postpartum care which is equally important as giving birth. She talks in detail about what happens in the first 2 hours after birth and what to expect in the next 48 hours when you are at the hospital.
She has included a dedicated section on postpartum recovery. This section includes how to care for yourself for faster recovery, and what to expect in the first 6 weeks and beyond. She talks about postpartum mental health and how to adjust to the new life which I think is very important considering how the mother gets neglected after the birth of the baby.
Related Reading: 10 Strategies to naturally Shrink Uterus after Childbirth
Newborn Care
The real fun starts when you bring the baby home. Suddenly you have a little human being with you 24/7 who can’t even communicate. I am not here to scare you, but there will be a lot of sleepless nights and constant crying.
Fortunately, this labor course includes a dedicated section on everything you need to know about caring for a newborn once you bring them home with real-life demonstration. The following topics has been covered in this section,
- Baby Gear and Home Essentials
- Newborn Characteristics/Normalities
- Tummy Time
- Breastfeeding
- Formula Feeding
- Burps, Gas, Spit-Up, Reflux & Dairy Allergies
- Diapering
- Bathing & Skin Care
- Cord Care
- Circumcision Care
- Newborn Sleep (very basics)
- Crying, Pacifiers & Colic
- Illness, Fevers & Colds
- Safety/Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Car Seat Safety
- Postpartum – Your Body Changes
- Adjusting To A New Normal – Parenthood Challenges
- Introducing Siblings
Bonus Vidoe
Liesel has recently updated this prenatal course, and I am excited to share that now it includes one whole section on how partners can help with the labor.
This section will guide the partner on how to support pregnant women in your life as her support person while preparing for birth, during birth, and postpartum. Dads have their own anxiety and fears about the labor, but after going through this section, they will be more confident and prepared no matter how labor unfolds.
And don’t worry, this section is only about 30 minutes, so your partner won’t be overwhelmed go through it.
Induction of labor
If the natural method of induction does not work for you, then you might have to be medically induced if the baby decides not to show up on time. Leisel has covered this possibility too in detail as a bonus video.
For those mamas who are looking for vaginal birth after a c-section, this is a crash course VBAC. Leisel talks about VBAC, the risks, and benefits of VBAC, increasing your chance of a VBAC, and more.
While it may not be enough for those who want to go for VBAC, but she certainly touches on the topic, and if you want to increase your chances of successful VBAC, I highly recommend taking this VBAC course instead.
Signing Bonus
As an appreciation for purchasing Birth it Up childbirth class (Natural, Epidural, C-section) through a link in this article, I am offering a $10 Amazon e-gift card. It’s not much but still something to bring down the cost of the course. (This is a limited-time offer and subject to change anytime). You also get a $10% discount using code EMPIRICALMAMA at the checkout.
Once you purchase the course, reach out to me with a receipt of your purchase and I will send you your gift card ASAP.
To claim your gift card, email me at and leave your comment in the comment section about the review below so I don’t miss sending you a gift card.
Sneak peek at the Bonuses offered by Birth It Up! Natural Series
In addition to the bonus videos listed above, you get
Access to the private Facebook Group
Once you enroll in this course, you will get immediate access to an exclusive member-only Facebook group, where you can ask questions and share your experience.
With over 3500 members, you will find support from fellow expectant moms, who will help you through this last stage of pregnancy.
I am also a part of this group and I can tell you that it is a pretty active group and the best part is, Liesel is very active in answering most if not all the posts.
You will get access to 13 printables like
- Birth Affirmations
- Provider Interview Questionnaire
- Hospital Tour Questionnaire
- Birth Plan Templates
- Hospital Bag Checklist
- Natural Induction Cheat Sheet
- Contraction Tips
- Baby Registry Checklist
- Postpartum Essentials Checklist
- Pediatrician Interview Questionnaire
- Breastfeeding Tracker
- Baby Growth Tracker
- Support Person Cheat Sheet
Where would you find a class where all your birthing tips, plans, and checklists are all organized for you in one place?
Bonuses themselves are worth the cost of the course! Also, Don’t forget to use code ‘EMPIRICALMAMA‘ to get a 10% discount at checkout.
Why do you Need to take a Birth It Up! Natural Series?
The fact that you came here looking for an online childbirth class review shows your quest for knowledge about the birth process.
Which is actually a good thing!!
Everyone wants labor to be quick and pain-free. But what we get in real life is completely the opposite of that. And I am not going to deny that giving birth is bloody painful!!
Unfortunately, that’s the reality with something as unknown and as painful as childbirth.
But Like Liesel says in her class-“the most important thing about successfully delivering naturally is EDUCATING YOURSELF about it”.
When you are prepared beforehand about what to expect and how to cope with pain, you are much more likely to build the confidence you need to naturally give birth to your child.
Regardless, if you decide to take Birth It Up! Natural Series online class or in-person class but do take a prenatal class.
I personally like taking online classes, as I can do it whenever and wherever I want. Flexibility is a selling point for me.
Imagine yourself, sipping coffee and learning about childbirth in the comfort of your own house. Specifically, now that we are living with uncertainty during COVID-19, taking an online prenatal class is your best bet to prepare you for the nitty-gritty of childbirth.
Another thing about this class is that it is AFFORDABLE. You won’t find this much information for this price anywhere. It sells for half of the price of other comparable natural childbirth classes out there.
In this course, the lessons are neatly organized in a specific order and give you to-the-point information without many bluffs.
Hopefully, I have convinced you to take this online childbirth class.
So what are you waiting for?
If you are still not sure, keep reading mama!!
Who is this Online Prenatal Class for?
Birth It Up! is for
- expecting mamas who want a natural birth but are scared about the process.
- First-time moms who want to be prepared for labor
- Someone like me, who wished for a natural birth but had an epidural the first time but wants to go a natural second time
- mamas who have a large gap between two kids and want to take a refresher course
- Mamas who desire a natural birth but can not afford more advanced childbirth classes
- Mamas who are a week away from the due date and want to go over childbirth class in a couple of hours
Who is this Course not for?
If you are someone who needs a classroom setting to learn things, then an online course, in general, is not for you.
This course is lectured style and was designed to give you all the information you need about labor and delivery in just a couple of hours. So, if you are looking for visuals, interactive lessons, step-by-step tutorials on how to cope with labor pains, or looking for practice homework or exercise to do before your labor, then this course is not for you.
But if you are someone who is self-motivated and willing to put into practice what is taught by this lectured style class, then Birth It Up! is an excellent resource.
When to take this class?
You should ideally take a birthing class during the early third trimester. That way, information is fresh, and you can apply what you have learned when needed.
Another advantage of taking prenatal classes early is that you have a space to make a change in your birth plan if you need to.
The beauty of an online class is, that you can take the class whenever and wherever you want. All you need is a device (mobile phone or tablet) and an internet connection.
How Long is the Accessibility of this Course once Purchased?
What if I say LIFELONG accessibility?
Once you have invested in the course, it’s yours for a lifetime. Isn’t it amazing?
You can watch as many times as you like. This little investment is well worth if you are planning to have more kids!!
If for any reason (which I doubt) you are unsatisfied with the course you can get your money back within 30 days. So you have nothing to lose.
What if I am NOT Satisfied with the Class?
I guarantee that it won’t be the case, but in case you are unsatisfied with the course, the course creator, Liesel, will be happy to offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.
There is no other online prenatal class that is lowest priced yet thorough and comprehensive, hands down!! I am 100% confident in saying that this course will mentally and physically empower you to go for natural childbirth.
So, what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose. Enroll today and get started!
Is Birth It Up HSA/FSA eligible?
All Birth It Up classes (Natural, Epidural, and C-Section) are eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement under most insurance plans. Be sure to ask your insurance provider about coverage and documentation requirements.
PROS of Birth it Up! Natural Series Online Prenatal Class
1. It’s Online, Self-Paced, and 24/7 accessibility
Going outside for an in-person prenatal class may not be something that excites you when you are heavy, and all you want to do is relax on the couch.
That’s why we have the Online Birth It Up prenatal class!!
You can take this class in your PJ!! Birth It Up: Natural series has 30 videos that vary in length from 5 minutes to 17 minutes for a total of 5-6 hours. You can distribute your 3 hours in one day or over a week; it is all up to you.
2. This Class is comprehensive
As mentioned earlier, this course covers tons of information to prepare you for natural childbirth. In addition, it also goes over pain management, which is equally important as giving birth.
3. Includes Birthing Tips for Your Partner
One segment of the course focuses on tips for your partner. If your partner is scared of the thought of the birthing process, then this is an ideal class for him as there are no graphic images of women giving birth that may frighten either of you. Liesel does a great job explaining how things work, how to address these fears, and how to build confidence.
4. Combination of Video and Written content
Narrator Liesel is very clever and precise in delivering content to her audience. The audio quality is excellent. Each video is accompanied by a written narrative, which is a great help to focus and retain information.
5. Budget-friendly
This is the most budget-friendly online prenatal course with the amount of information it has to offer!!
Plus, if you sign up using my code EMPIRICALMAMA, you get a 10% discount making it a great investment.
Some mamas may argue that all information is available via youtube or via free online prenatal classes. Sure, but how reliable those you-tube videos are?
And free online prenatal classes usually offer a general overview of what to expect during delivery at the hospital.
6. Bonuses and 30-day money-back guarantee
As mentioned above, when you purchase the course, you get access to Liesel’s private Birth It Up Facebook group, where you can ask questions and share your experiences with like-minded mamas plus other goodies. Also, Liesel offers a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the course.
CONS of Birth it Up! Natural Series Online Prenatal Class
- The course is lecture – style not interactive
- You won’t learn hands-on things such as massage during labor, changing nappies or swaddling.
- If you are not a resident of the United States, some lessons may not be applicable
Still Not sure?
Here are honest testimonials of the Birth It Up! online childbirth class from fellow mamas who have benefited by taking this class.
Being a first-time mom can be overwhelming enough, add in a pandemic and there is so much to stress about. I took the epidural course and I felt so informed when I got sent to the hospital to deliver! I found myself constantly explaining to my husband what would happen next because I was so prepared. I would recommend the courses to anyone!
Kali, Odessa, TX
I am a fist time mom. I took the Birth It Up! Course as well as the Newborn basics and let’s sleep courses. I loved all of them!! And have referenced them constantly. Leslie is straight forward and informative. She lets you know all of the options as well as all of the pros and cons to them! However, she shares everything in a way that I felt informed and prepared but not worried! I truly feel that these courses prepared me for the best birthing experience I could have asked for! I was confident in knowing what my choices are and advocating for me and my baby all through our labor and postpartum experience. I will forever recommend.
Madi, Madison P. /Tennessee
I took the Birth It Up! course and I am so glad that I did. Liesel’s tips on breathing and pushing techniques helped me get through the roughest contractions on D-Day! I specially loved the comb trick as it helped distract me from the pain. My hubby also partook in the course with me and he was so helpful reminding me to take deep breaths and keeping me focused. Best choice was taking the course. Easy to review and at your own pace. I even referred to it while I was in labor.
Maria, Miami- FL
My husband and I did Liesel’s natural birth course together and it was super helpful helping us feel more knowledgeable and prepared for the birth process. Due to Covid we were unable to take the usual hospital preparation class, and I know this experience was much better. I loved that it goes over how to prepare yourself for a natural birth, while also preparing you for all the other ways your labor and delivery can go, and does not stigmatize the use of medicine, epidurals, c-sections, etc.
Megan, Portland Oregon
My husband and I went through the natural course! I was worried about not having in-person classes due to the pandemic, but I am super happy with the online course! It was especially nice to be able to do it in bits and pieces on our own time, and I loved having the ability to look back and review topics if I needed. I appreciate Liesel’s knowledge and how she brings in both her personal and professional experience. I was glad that she discussed epidurals even in the natural course as I ended up getting an epidural during my son’s birth. Overall, I highly recommend this course!
Lauren, Greenville,SC
I loved this course! It is easy to navigate and my husband even said he loved it. The videos are easy to follow and Leisel explains everything we need to know going into birth. I especially love the pdf’s that accompany the material. Easy to bring to my doctor or doula and communicate exactly what I want and need.
Mackenzie, Oklahoma
My thoughts on Birth It Up! Natural Series
I found this course very thorough; regardless you are a first-time mom or a mom of four. This course has something for everyone.
I found Liesel very relatable after listening to her own birth story. And tons of examples that she gives during each lesson show her expertise and passion for the work she does.
If you are wondering whether this course is worth the money?
I would say, if you really want to learn about natural childbirth in a cost-effective way, then this course is for you.
If you think that you can do it naturally without taking a natural childbirth class, then you are making the same mistake as I did the first time. I learned that the success of natural childbirth lies with knowledge and preparation.
Birth It Up! class will prepare you mentally and physically to rock your birth naturally and get you pumped up for pushing.
I hope this Birth It Up! Natural series: Online Childbirth class review has helped you decide if natural childbirth is right for you.
Should you have any questions regarding the course or in general, please comment below. I will be more than happy to answer those questions for you.
As a bonus, if you sign up below via my link, you get an additional 10% discount on this course using code EMPIRICALMAMA.
Good Luck, mama!!
Before you go, check out my review on the Best Online Breastfeeding class for New Mom
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