30 Creative ways to Announce Pregnancy on Social Media
When it comes to sharing your exciting news with the world, social media wins the race. Step up your game using one of these ideas to announce pregnancy on social media.
Sharing the news of “I’m Pregnant” is exciting for couples waiting to start a family. The news of pregnancy is equally exciting to your immediate family and friends. If you have already announced your pregnancy to your family in person, now it’s time to announce pregnancy on social media.
Especially now that we all live in the era of Covid-19, there is no other safe and exciting way to announce pregnancy to your loved ones other than social media.
Now that you plan to announce your pregnancy on social media, you’ll undoubtedly want to step up your game by going public with the news. Here are some unique, creative, and fun ways to announce pregnancy on social media, whether it is Instagram, Facebook, or Tok-Tok.
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When should I Post my Pregnancy on Social Media?
As soon as you learn you’re pregnant – you want to share your joy with the whole world. However, you need to be careful about sharing your news on social media. You may not want to rush and announce it too early on social media, as once the news is out there, it spreads too quickly.
You want to make sure that you have told your partner (obviously), immediate family, best friend, and significant others before taking on social media.
Most people like to wait until they are 15-20 weeks or at least until after the first trimester before announcing it on social media, which is a wise thing to do, as the risk of miscarriage is higher during the first trimester. Also, by then, you will be showing your baby bump, and you can also find out the gender of your baby.
Remember that your immediate family would appreciate it if you told them in person or over a facetime or a phone call rather than finding out from Facebook or Instagram. Also, break the pregnancy news to your employer first before announcing pregnancy on social media.
That being said, the ultimate decision of when to announce pregnancy on social media is yours. It’s all about what makes you the most comfortable and happy announcing your big news on social media.
Now that you are clear on when to announce your pregnancy on social media let’s look at how you can make it unique, exciting, and memorable!!
30 Creative ways to Announce Pregnancy on Social media
Announcing pregnancy on social media is as exciting as telling your family in person if you make it extra special. Here are few ideas to get you inspired. After all, it’s your news; there is no right or wrong way of doing it!
1. Say it with Ultrasound Photo
2. Letterboard Pregnancy Announcement
Write your due date, pregnancy announcement caption on the letterboard and accessorize it with your ultrasound photo in the background, and you are done!
If you are someone like me – not great at taking high-quality photos, you can buy editable digital pregnancy announcement print. There are various editable digital prints available with different themes and backgrounds like this one and this one that you can personalize to meet your needs.
Here are some of the best ones that you can personalize for your pregnancy announcement on social media.
3. Say it with Pregnancy Reveal T-shirt
Classy and cute! Pose with a cute pregnancy reveal t-shirt, and you are done. Involve your partner and child(ren) to make it fun. There are cute family pregnancy reveal t-shirts like this one and this one available, and if you want to personalize t-shirts, you can do that too!
4. Say it with Balloon in the Background
If you want to make your pregnancy reveal visually appealing, you need to include a “mom to be” or “baby” letter balloon in the background. Pose with one of these balloons in the background and take a picture to post on Facebook or Instagram. You also have an option to customizable LED balloon with your sonogram; how cute!!
You can go as simple as writing “ready to pop” on one balloon, the due date on the other, and take a picture holding those balloons. You will not go unnoticed on social media.
5. Say it with Onesie
Another easy way to convey your message to the world! Hold one of your soon-to-be-born baby’s onesie in your hand and pose with it. Even better, customize the onesie with the pregnancy reveal a message to get the wow factor!
6. Include your Child(ren)
What is cuter than your kids announce your pregnancy on social media! Have your child hold a chalkboard written with pregnancy messages like
- Mommy’s due with Baby#2
- I’m going to be a Big sister
- I’m going to be a Big Brother
- Promoted to be brother/sister
- Every superhero needs a Sidekick (dress your kid in a superhero costume)
- No longer an only child
- My role as a new child is coming to an end because mommy is due with my new best friend
Take a picture of your toddler getting an eviction notice on their crib and post it on Instagram.
If you have multiple kids, have each of them hold a numbered balloon, and mom holds the last balloon.
Or simply write your message with chalk on your driveway, prop your child with it, and announce it on social media.
7. Say it in the Kitchen
“Bun in the oven” is a classic way to announce your pregnancy on social media. Take a picture of your oven with the sign “Bun in the oven.” If you think bun in the oven is outdated, you can take it to the next level by backing a cupcake and adding letters or numbers to personalize it.
Or bake a cookie in the shape of a baby rattle, crib, onesie, baby bottle, or even fetal development cookie and decorate it by adding your due date.
And if you can’t go back, you can order the pregnancy announcement cookies like this one or this one. Alternatively, spread flour on your kitchen counter, write your due date, and pose along with it.
You can take a picture of you and your partner cooking a family recipe in the kitchen or have your other child pose in the kitchen cooking a “big brother or big sister” recipe just like in this picture.
8. Say it with your Pet
If you are a proud mom of dogs or dogs, have them help you announce pregnancy on Facebook or Instagram. You can have your dog hold the letterboard or your ultrasound picture or have them sit next to the sign.
You can dress up your dog with a pregnancy reveal bandanas like this one or this one and take a picture for your social media pregnancy announcement. Or have a custom-made pregnancy reveal shirt for your dog stating, “Coming Soon, Baby Smith 2021” or “Big brother/Sister.”
9. Have your Pregnancy Announcement Printed in a Newspaper
We are all used to reading a newspaper digitally now. So, why not share your big news with the world by publishing it in a Newspaper? Have your customized pregnancy announcement message with a sonogram published in a Newspaper format like this or this. Here are few examples.
10. Movie Poster Pregnancy Announcement
Don’t like the Newspaper pregnancy announcement idea? Not to worry, designing a movie poster is another cute idea for a Facebook pregnancy announcement is another cute idea.
Designing a movie poster is quite simple. All you need is your picture of you and your partner and your pregnancy announcement message and due date. You can go with the title like Meet the Parent, or Knocked up, or we’re Expecting, etc.,
If you can’t design your movie poster or don’t have time to do it, have it made here. All you have to do is send your picture and details to the seller, and they will customize it for you. You will receive a digital copy of your poster that you can use for your pregnancy announcement on Facebook or Instagram.
11. Starbucks Pregnancy Announcement
Any Starbucks lovers? Use Starbucks cups to good use for your pregnancy announcement on social media. Simple and Sweet!
12. Ice Ice Baby Pregnancy Announcement
Announce your pregnancy with one of the most iconic songs, “Ice Ice Baby” It only requires buying a few bags of ice. Even better if you can dance to the song.
13. Bump Ahead Pregnancy Announcement
‘Bump Ahead’ sign may be difficult to find, but if you have one nearby, take a pic posing along with the sign for the easy pregnancy announcement. Alternatively, the ‘Bump Ahead’ sign can be easily bought online.
14. Say it with the Books
Your other child(ren) definitely needs some training on how to be a “Big brother” or “Big sister.” While they are reading the book about it, take a picture and use it as a pregnancy announcement on social media.
15. Say it with Baby Shoes
Baby shoes are a simple yet cute way to announce pregnancy on social media. You can do so much with baby shoes. Take a selfie with them, hold it on your belly, stage them with your sonogram or onesie or line them with family members shoes. No matter how you use them in your pregnancy announcement, they are sure to get your message across on social media.
16. Tin Can Phone Pregnancy Announcement
We live in the iPhone era, but still, pregnancy announcements with a classic tin can phone are irreplaceable.
17. Say it at Parking Space
Parking space for “Expectant mothers” is another excellent spot to pose for a picture for your social media pregnancy announcement. Make sure to drive to a shopping mall early in the morning to find an unoccupied parking space for ‘Expectant mothers” for you to take a picture.
18. Easter Pregnancy Announcement on Social Media
Spring is a time of new growth, and there is no better time than Easter to show off your growing bump on social media. Get creative with spring or Easter-themed Pregnancy announcements on social media. Add some flowers, chocolate, easter eggs in the background, and wear a “Some Bunny is Egg-specting” t-shirt to make your pregnancy announcement special. Or use your fur friend like this one.
19. 4th of July Pregnancy Announcement on Social Media
Give your family and friends something extra to celebrate by announcing your pregnancy on the 4th of July. Red, White, Blue, and Due is the perfect combination for a pregnancy announcement on the 4th of July.
Get into your best red and white outfit and matching attractive letterboard for a perfect Instagram shot. If you have older kids, get them in red and white, blue outfits and make them pose with your sonogram or chalkboard message.
Or wear your t-shirt with a 4th of July pregnancy announcement message like “Bump’s First 4th of July” or get a printable 4th of July pregnancy announcement and pose with it.
20. Say it with Pumpkin
Pumpkins are great for pregnancy announcements on social media. Carve a big pumpkin, insert a small pumpkin into it and announce, “We’re adding another pumpkin to the patch.” Even if you don’t have time to carve, go for a family of pumpkins featuring a new member.
To make it even more exciting, add a baby bottle or pacifier to the baby pumpkin. Or order editable digital Thanksgiving or Little boo pregnancy announcement for social media.
21. Christmas Pregnancy Announcement
Christmas is a special time to announce pregnancy on social media. You can get your sonogram photo edited and make it look like a baby wearing a Santa hat or get a printable Dear Santa letter to become a Big brother or Sister, or pose with your sonogram picture and Christmas tree in the background.
Ugly matching sweaters with Prego status can also make a great Instagram shot. Or Santa baby onesie flay lay with baby shoes and sonogram can make a cute social media announcement.
You can also hang family Christmas stockings along with tiny socks (with glued pacifier) on the fireplace or hang custom-made Christmas ornament on the Christmas tree.
You can even have Elves to help you announce your pregnancy on social media by holding your sonogram and you both you kissing in the background. Check all of these ideas at one place here.
22. Sports Theme Pregnancy Announcement
Whether you are a fan in the stands or play a sport, announcing the pregnancy in your sports uniform is fun. For example, if you play soccer, prop soccer ball with baby shoes and both of you in the background and say “Future Soccer Star arriving (due date)” or wear a funny soccer ball belly t-shirt and take a picture to post on Instagram.
23. Video Game theme Pregnancy Announcement
Video game lovers, you will love these ideas. Take a photo of three video game controllers and a positive pregnancy test arranged on a flat surface. Later, edit the photo with “ Third player has entered the game.” You can also have your older kid hold one controller and leave others with a sonogram to pull off this creative announcement.
24. Movie or Show Theme Pregnancy Announcement
If you are a big fan of a movie or show, use it as an inspiration for your pregnancy announcement.
Great idea for a family with a Star Wars Obsession. You just need Darth Vader masks and a message board to announce your pregnancy.
26. Say it with Lego
Lego lovers, this one is for you. Get creative with your Logo pieces and create a prego family for your Instagram shot.
Check out the creativity of the husband for the pregnancy announcement. Want to take it to the next level? Check out this DIY tutorial on how to make the Lego figurine look pregnant.
Or get this customizable Lego Prego family digital file to post on Instagram or Facebook for your pregnancy announcement.
27. Tossing out Alcohol
28. Shopping Spree
Get a cart full of baby stuff and take a picture of you along with the shopping cart at Walmart, Costo, or Target
29. Eating for two
Simple yet classy. Write “Eating for Two” on a bowl of Ice-crème and take a picture. Or Use Eating for Two engraved spoon.
30. Puking on toilet Humor Pregnancy announcement
If all of the above pregnancy announcements on social media ideas do not resonate with you, take a shot of you pretending to puke on the toilet and your partner standing with a positive pregnancy test. And this will get your message across for sure. Before you go, check out these cute pregnancy quotes that you might find useful for your pregnancy announcement.
This is it for me! Do let us know which idea you did like the most and also share how you announced your pregnancy on social media by leaving your comment below.
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